Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Getting Lost with Beatrix

Okay, my bad. . .I haven't actually been that diligent of late on my postings and I promise that when I get back from my holiday, I will get back to it semi-regularly.  I even have a series of posts already formulated in my mind but you will just have to wait and come back regularly.

So I have taken a real shine to riding my bike aka Beatrix :-) and when I say a real shine, I mean a real shine!  I ride it everywhere!  I ride to and from work daily (thankfully the weather has been nice).  Today my co-worker and I Google Mapped it and it is 3.4 km to work in the morning and 3.5 km on the way home - I take a slight variation on the way home due to the oneway paths.  That is 7 km more a day than I used to be riding!

I ride in a skirt and a dress.  I ride in high heels.  These one are pretty low :-)

Today's bike shoes - yes, I rode my bike to work in these.  They are a 4 inch heel :-0
I ride it to go grocery shopping.  I have ridden it to the hardware store where I bought a rake and rode home with the rake.  I have ridden it to a bbq with a bottle of wine in my basket.

I no longer feel like Chummy (from Call the Midwife) on my bike and I now ride with a fair bit of confidence, but I am by no means cocky.  I have become pretty good at stopping and am more confident using my back brakes (there are not hand brakes).  I am have also gotten better at speeding up and slowly down to take into account cars and pedestrians.  Now you all might be laughing but when you haven't serious ridden a bike in years, this things all take time to come back!

The one thing about riding my bike is that I am constantly getting lost, as The Hague, like most European cities is not on a grid system.  Often before I venture out, I will Google Map where I am wanting to go so I have a general idea of the route that I need to take but invariably, I will take a wrong turn at some point and wind up going down some random street.  Now this isn't necessarily a bad thing but I am now starting to see different streets that I otherwise wouldn't go down and find shops that I wouldn't otherwise know exist.  I am finding riding my bike to be very liberating and just so Dutch!
Selfie taken while riding my bike tonight
But tonight, Beatrix fell a little sick. On my way to the beach, I seemed to have lost my 3rd gear and it slips and makes a weird noise when I try to use it.  Now you are probably thinking, so what, well when your bike only has 3 gears and you lose one, it's not a good thing.  When I get back, I will have to take her back to MegaBikes and get her checked out. :-(

Here are a couple of pictures from my ride this evening.

This is what a bike path looks like on the roadways - taken while riding tonight.